York Newsletter July 22

5th July 2022 | York

Welcome to July

Manager's Welcome

Welcome to your member’s July newsletter!

I know we are heading into a very busy time with lots going on… school holidays, family trips, children back from university, just to name a few but it is still important to put that time aside to enjoy the things you love, and we hope that we fit into that category!

During the summer months, we have lots of extra activities happening for both families and individuals at the club and reading this newsletter will ensure you really get the most out of your club membership this summer. As always, the team are here to help you – so please do not hesitate to ask for any advice, help or assistance.

So, while all the busyness is happening take some time out for yourself and enjoy all the facilities Roko has to offer. Better still: enjoy this time with your friends and family as they can take advantage of a special 4-week membership during July!

All the best for the month ahead, and we look forward to seeing you in your club very soon!

Tom and your Roko York Team

Club News

Working out is better with friends!


Invite your friends & family to enjoy 4 weeks at the club with you for just £39!

Tag your friends & family using our social media channels

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Member assistance required - National Shortage of Chlorine

You may have read in the media that the industry is facing a national shortage of chlorine. This is due to several reasons, including Brexit, a backlog from China's supply chain caused by Covid-19, a significant fire in a US chemical plant in late 2020, and the war in Ukraine.

Despite this, we do not anticipate any disruption to any of our poolside facilities at this stage. This is mainly thanks to the good working relationships we have with our suppliers, as well as other local clubs and leisure centres. There are however three easy steps you can follow to help keep your poolside facilities open:

1: Please shower before you enter the pools, and in between use of spa facilities.

2: Please avoid wearing lotions, deodorants, perfumes or aftershaves prior to swimming.

3: Please use the toilet before swimming (parents please encourage your children to go before swimming).

By following these three easy steps, you will help reduce the amount of chemicals we need to use to keep the water clean and safe to use.

Steam room update

To our frustration, we are still awaiting the essential electrodes that we require to get the steam room back up and running. They are sourced from a specialist company based in Germany, and unfortunately as with most things at present, there is an even bigger wait time for supply than usual.

Whilst the steam room has been out of action, we have also noticed a fault with the steam essence line (which brings about the lovely eucalyptus smell usually found in the steam room!). During the steam room downtime, we have fixed this essential part, so as soon as we have the electrodes on-site, the steam room will be back in all its glory!

Fitness News

Adult Swimming Lessons – New course available to book from Monday 11th July!

Have you ever wanted to learn front crawl but not known where to begin? Can you swim a strong Breaststroke but would like to learn a new stroke? Can you swim front crawl but would like to advance our techniques for a Triathlon? Well, this adult’s Front crawl course will help with all the above!

The course will run for 6 consecutive Thursdays in July, August & September:

Thursday 21st & 28th July, Thursday 4th, 18th, 25th August & Thursday 1st September with Lauren Coombs

The lesson time for beginners is 7-7:45pm and 7:45-8:30pm for improvers.

[Please note you can only book on to the “Improve front crawl” class if you can already do front crawl breathing techniques and, you must also be able to swim to enrol on to the beginner’s course.]

The price for 6 x 45 minute course is:

£60 for ROKO members & £75 for non-members

There are only 6 spaces available on each class so if you are interested, please book your place with the reception team from Monday 11th July! If you would like more information, please speak to the reception team, or contact jarcher@york.roko.co.uk

Check out the roko app or pick up a copy of the timetable in club to check out the changes!

MummyFit classes – now at Roko!

MummyFIT sessions are suitable for all fitness levels once you’ve reached 6 weeks following a vaginal delivery or 12 weeks following a C-section and had a GP sign off.

MummyFIT sessions offer low level adaptations and higher-level progressions taking in to consideration your fitness levels and post-natal conditions such as weak pelvic floor, core and diastasis recti. Fitting in a workout and time for you when you have got small children can be a real challenge, MummyFIT is here to help. Bring your baby, meet other mums, and make some time for you.

Book your FREE trial session now at www.mummyfituk.co.uk/register

“After just 6 sessions I already feel stronger and more toned. The length of the sessions are spot on and the variety of exercises is brilliant.” Shona

“I’ve only been doing the MummyFIT sessions for a few weeks, but I can already feel my strength and fitness levels have improved loads and it has definitely helped my mental health too.” Emma

“Loving MummyFIT, definitely feeling and seeing the progress.” Lisa

“I am really enjoying my MummyFIT sessions. Emma gives me the motivation and focus I need and it is great to be with likeminded mummies.” Laura



Contact Details:

t: 07742 260164

e: Emma.Gibson@mummyfituk.co.uk

w: mummyfituk.co.uk

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Children's News

Summer Swim 2022

With the Summer Holidays fast approaching we are offering lots of swim lesson options to keep your children swimming and progressing over the Summer! Below are the different options we are offering and all the information you need...

Group Swimming Crash Courses

Would you like to keep some structure in your child’s routine this Summer Holidays? Are you going on holiday soon and would like your child to have more confidence in the water? Would half a term’s worth of swimming lessons help bring them on a bit quicker with their swimming?? At ROKO we highly recommend a crash course during the school holidays to help with all the above!

Course 1: Monday 1st - Friday 5th August Rach D
Course 2: Monday 8th - Friday 12th August Jo
Course 3: Monday 15th - Friday 19th August Lauren C
Course 4: Monday 22nd - Friday 26th August Josh M

Price: £37.50 Members & £45 Non-Members

All lessons will be held at the same time every day:

Stage 1(Total beginners): 8:30am in the small pool

Stage 1 /2 (for current swimmers): 09:00am in the small pool

Stage 2 Advanced/3: 09:30am in the small pool and main pool

Stage 3 Adv/4: 10:00am in the main pool

*There are 6 spaces available in each Stage.

*When signing up you must commit to the whole week

NO discounts, refunds or exchanges will be given for any missed sessions.


Bronze & Silver & Gold Awards 

During the Summer ROKO are running a Bronze & Silver & Gold course for children in Stage 6+ or for those who have passed all the ROKO stages.  The course is a great way to increase their stamina and for them to achieve a higher badge.  The week intensive course does not guarantee they will achieve the badge but there will be a test on the last day to give them the opportunity to pass their bronze, silver or gold award.

WHEN: Monday 8th August –Friday 12th August with Jo Archer

TIME: BRONZE – 10am, SILVER / GOLD – 10:30-11:10AM

PRICE: £40 ROKO members & £50 for non-members

If you would like to book a place on any of the courses, or if you would like further information, please speak to the reception team, or contact jarcher@york.roko.co.uk

Club Lounge

Try one of our new summer drinks!

From a fruity cooler to a protein iced coffee, the club lounge offers a wide range of refreshing drinks which will help you cool off during the summer!

Treat yourself to one today!


Club Treatments

We say goodbye to Cathy… At the end of July, we wish a fond farewell (for now!) to Cathy who has been practising Reflexology and Indian Head massage from the club each Saturday during her spare time. Cathy is now taking a well deserved break from Reflexology, in order for her to enjoy her spare time. Cathy is continuing as a member, Cathy – we look forward to seeing you enjoy your spare time!

Welcome to Lorna from LH Aesthetics Lorna will be working from the club each Tuesday and offers a range of treatments including Vitamin & Hay fever injections. Contact details below!

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