9th April 2018 | Nottingham
We’re excited to let you know that work will soon be starting on the refurbishment of the ladies changing room. The duration of the works is expected to be 4 weeks with a start date of 23rd April 2018. Please click on the link below or here for full details.
And we're also so happy that not only is British Summer Time here (if only the weather would catch up!) but the outdoor pool is back open for 6 glorious months! With this in mind, and in response to recent member feedback, we’ve a little information on poolside etiquette, so if you’re a regular swimmer, do have a read.
For you gym bunnies this Easter, we’re focusing on the posterior chain – the back of your body. Along with a video recently posted on Facebook, we’ve got some great exercises for you to try in the gym. Speak to a member of the fitness team if there is anything you’re not sure of.
Please ensure that you click on the links provided to update your communication preferences with us. In line with new GDPR regulations we are unable to send you this monthly email newsletter from June unless you opt-in for us to do so - thanks!
We hope you had a restful Easter break and are ready to make April active!
Julie Bowley and your Roko Nottingham Team
Continuing for a short time only
Tell Your Friends & Family - 2 Weeks at Roko For Just £20
You are more likely to achieve your fitness goals when you work out with a buddy. And right now your friends can spend 2 weeks with you at Roko with a no commitment trial membership. Tag your friends on our 2 week Facebook post or email them this link: https://www.roko.co.uk/nottingham/offers/2weeks
The launch of Body Attack 100 took place on Saturday 7th April - we hope those of you who attended enjoyed the fantastic morning!
The Superior Posterior
We recently posted a video on Facebook focusing on training the posterior chain and why it’s important. There are a lot of people who come to the gym with some degree of knee, hip or back pain and much of this (assuming there hasn’t been a trauma to the area causing injury) can be attributed to weakness through the posterior chain – particularly the glutes. If you sit at a desk all day or do a lot of driving the chances are that those muscle have become pretty lazy and you would benefit from adding some specific work for the posterior chain in your training. There are also the aesthetic benefits from this type of training…a better bottom! In the last couple of years, the “superior posterior” has really gained popularity rather than just training “the mirror muscles” of the biceps, chest and quads. So let’s take a look…
The primary function of the posterior chain is hip extension –taking your leg behind you and there are a large number of muscles that make up the posterior chain…
Multifidus which supports the spine
Erector Spinae contributes to back and spinal extension
Gluteal Muscles which are primarily responsible for hip extension and femoral (thigh) rotation
Hamstring Muscles also responsible for hip extension and knee flexion)
Gastrocnemius or Calf which plantar flex the ankle (planting your foot on the floor or pointing your toes) and flex the knee
External Oblique’s which support the back and spine along with the anterior coreSo already you can see just how many muscles make up the posterior chain and that they are responsible for a number of different day to day movement patterns; not just giving us a shapelier bottom, these muscles improve all-round athletic performance and as touched on before, strengthening them can help relieve some aches and pains.
Let’s take a closer look at the exercises featured on our video…
Stiff leg/Romanian Deadlift – starting with your feet at hip distance apart – that’s where your hip bones are, not where you perceive or believe your hips to finish! – and your hands slightly wider than your thighs, gently soften your knees and think about hinging from your hips and sending your tail bone backwards. As you do so, you should be pushing your heels into the floor and slide the bar down your thighs towards your knees. As you push the hips back further, you should feel the hamstrings at the back of the thighs “engage” and almost lengthen. Stop the bar either just above or just below your knee (if you hit the middle of your shin with the bar you’ve gone a little too low) before squeezing your butt cheeks together to bring you back up to your starting position. Key here is the hip hinge and bending at the hips rather than the knees. Bending at the knees would not only make this exercise feel slightly awkward but puts the work back in to the quads, the front of the thighs – the opposite of what we’re after here!
Barbell Bent Over Row – primarily for the upper back, the hip hinge is a big focus of this exercise also. The starting position is the “bottom” of the Romanian deadlift; feet hip width, knees soft, hands outside of thighs, hip hinge and send the bar down towards the knees keeping a flat back and a strong core. From here, think about pulling the shoulder blades in towards the spine to bring the elbows up and back, drawing the bar towards the belly button before returning the bar to the knees.
Good Mornings – The bar starts this time in the back rack – bar placed across the tops of the shoulders/upper back as if you’re to do a squat. Feet again will be hip distance apart and the focus of the exercise is on the hip hinge in order to engage hamstrings and glutes. From standing tall, push the hips back and away while keeping the spine long. Focus on feeling length in the hamstrings and stop at the point where the load in the hamstrings feels “enough” and before the lower back begins to round. To rise, squeeze into the glutes and press your heels in to the floor.
Lat Pull Down – The fixed lat pull down can be utilised here or either of the two long bars on the dual adjustable pulleys work as demonstrated in the video. Ensure you’re sitting tall and focus on pulling the armpits in to ensure you’re engaging the lats and NOT the arms!
Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl – A super burner for the hamstrings if done correctly! Lying on the floor, place your heels on the edge of the swiss ball with toes flexed upwards. Applying pressure through your heels and squeezing your butt cheeks lift your hips off the floor and maintain this position while you roll the ball towards your butt bending your knees. Lengthen the legs once you can’t go any further but keep your hips elevated throughout your set. Keep glutes and core engaged here to keep the hips high and in a good position.
Single/Double leg glute bridge - There’s a couple of ways that these can be performed; As shown in the Facebook video with the feet or foot firmly planted on the ground, squeeze the glutes and drive through the heels to lift the hips off the floor, hold for a second or two at the top before returning to the start position. Alternatively if you wanted to get a little more hamstring recruitment, lift your toes off the floor and flex them to the ceiling before really driving through the heel to lift the hips. If you’re performing these as a double leg bridge, you could also add something between your legs such as a foam roller to also engage through the inner thighs as you lift. Or, pop a small resistance band around your thighs just above your knees and as you lift push out in to the band; this will engage more of the glute medius muscle which can be very weak and also quite lazy.
If you’re unsure about any of these exercises but want to give them a try, please speak with a member of the fitness team. If you’re looking to gain strength in these muscle groups aim for 4 sets of around 8 repetitions of all these exercises using a weight that begins to feel super challenging and heavy when you get to your 6th rep but is still do-able with good form. For the swiss ball hamstring curl and glute bridge which are predominantly using body weight as resistance you could push up to 12 repetitions.
Important News Regarding GDPR
To all Swimming Parents and Guardians
Due to the new data protection law coming into effect on May 25th, we require all parents and guardians to please print this form and kindly hand it into reception when completed.
Thank you for your continued custom.
Swimming Etiquette
Let’s keep things cool in the pool with some swim and poolside etiquette.
The most basic of pool etiquette includes:
• Have a rinse off in the shower before jumping in to the pool
• Swim according to the directions on the arrows displayed on the signs at the top of each lane – particularly if it is busy in the pool.
• Be kind to your fellow swimmers
So, the "rules" are pretty easy to pick up. If you’re a regular swimmer at Roko, you will know that it is highly likely that you won't be the only one there. A pool full of lap swimmers going at a steady pace is a beautiful thing, but it can be intimidating if you want to jump in and get going. If there's an empty lane for you, that's easy. But that's not always the case, and if enough swimmers show up, you may need to learn how to share your lane anyway.
Often you will see that each lane has one or more swimmers already going. This doesn't mean you're out of luck. A single lane can accommodate several swimmers (just go watch a swim team practice) provided they all go at a comparable pace. Take a minute to observe each of the lanes and get a sense of which one you match up with best. We have designated slow lanes and fast lanes, but seeing the swimmers that are already going is an even better gauge.
If you're ready to pick a lane and start swimming, make sure everyone in that lane is aware that you're going to join them. Sit by the edge of the pool and wait for them to finish a set, or wave a float underwater to get their attention, or jump in and stand in the corner of the lane until they acknowledge you're joining them. It may be worth having a quick discussion about how you’re going to swim – either by splitting the lane (if there are just two of you) or by following the arrows if there is more than two. The arrows are there for everyone’s health, safety and comfort so it is always worth following them; just make sure everyone is on the same page before you get started. If there are no arrows, as in our outdoor pool, think of it a little bit like driving; stay to the left of the lane, swimming clockwise.
While it's ideal to find swimmers who are about the same speed as you if you're circling the lane, this isn't always possible. This could lead to some issues that you need to know the solution to.
Giving space: If a swimmer is faster than you, make sure you don't start another lap/length just as they are coming up behind you. If you start about 5 seconds behind a faster swimmer, you will probably never run into each other during your workout. If you're at a comparable pace with your lane mates, make sure there is plenty of space between everyone. If you do this correctly, you will barely even notice anyone in your lane.
Passing: If a faster swimmer is coming up on you and touches your feet, that's an indication that they want to pass. Swim to the next wall, then stop and let them go ahead of you. If you’re the faster swimmer in this situation, do try to remain patient with other swimmers in your lane and if you must overtake, ensure plenty of space. If you’re being over taken, remain calm and at a steady pace – try not to stop mid-lane
Don't feel like you are forced to keep up with the flow of your lane. If you need to stop and rest, you may do so. But be mindful of the other swimmers in your lane when you decide to take a break, particularly if you're swimming circles.
The best place to stop is in the corner of the lane at the wall. If you're doing circles, it's most likely that the swimmers will do a flip turn, then push off to keep going. From the vantage point at the end of the lane, that leaves a sliver of space in the bottom corner of the lane for you to rest if needed.
Don't stop in the middle of the lane. That is not expected and can lead to swimmers running into you. The best way to be a good lane mate is to be a predictable one, so rest at the walls.
The bottom line is, it's possible to join a lane with other swimmers and get your workout in without bothering anybody you're sharing the lane with. In fact, that's what you should strive for. Be aware of the other swimmers, don't get in their way and make sure you get in the workout you desire. That will make for a fulfilling and drama-free day. And with the outdoor pool now open, there’s even more space for you swimmers to enjoy!
If a collision occurs, bear in mind it is pretty much an unavoidable hazard in swim training, and your best defense is to be prepared.
If you notice a swimmer with no sense of direction and hazardous technique (their arms straight, or their kick scissoring every which way), try and avoid their lane altogether, similarly, if a swimmer is wearing paddles, avoid their lane if there are other options. If you are unfortunate enough to bang heads, arms or fingers (and fingers can be the most painful nicks of all), look to see if the other swimmer has stopped and if so, assess the damage. If they keep swimming, it means your mishap is just that; your mishap; it doesn't faze them, so try and get over it.
If they are as startled and anguished as you are, it serves you both well to apologise to one another and ask if you are both OK. This is a fundamental difference from car accidents, where you look to blame the other party for insurance purposes...see how civilized swimming can be when compared to the real world?
With both swimmers acknowledging some sort of pain, egos are stroked and the business of swimming can be resumed and further inter-swimmer violence avoided.
Remember, the signs at the end of the lanes are there for everyone’s comfort and safety so do try and adhere.
While we’re discussing poolside etiquette it is perhaps a good time to remind parents that boys over 8 years of age are required to use the male changing room and girls over 8 should use the female change areas.
We would also like to remind you that electronic devices of any kind – mobile phones, laptops, ipads, kindles etc – are not permitted on poolside. This is for the comfort and respect of other pool users and also…just because a mobile phone never has been dropped in the swimming pool, it doesn’t mean one never will be. Please keep devices in the lockers.
Thank you for your cooperation with the above.
And finally, we still have a few spaces left on the swimming programme this term which runs until 20th May. Free trials are available in the group lessons; please contact jennie.keast@nottingham.co.uk to book your space!
We would like to introduce our new therapist Polly.
Polly is an experienced therapist who has joined us from Aveda Urban Therapy Derby.
If you would like to take advantage of 20% off any treatment during April, Don’t Miss Out.
We would like to welcome back Claire Di Martino-Cooke who returns from her maternity leave, after having her beautiful daughter Eden.
Claire is currently working on Saturdays and from the beginning of May will be offering appointments on both Thursdays & Saturdays.
Due to demand, Lexi our senior stylist has extended her weekly working hours, if you would like to take advantage please call 0115 9813111 to book.
Spring Offer £33.00
Be a glamorous bunny this Easter and save money with this fabulous offer all for an amazing £33.00
Unwind with a relaxing head & shoulder massage, then re-energise with a professional Wash & Blow dry & an Aveda damage remedy deep conditioning treatment - perfect to restore health & shine to the hair after the winter months.
Then simply choose from one of the following 15minute treatments absolutely FREE:
• Express OPI manicure
• Aveda stress fix Mini Tulasara eye treatment
• Finishing touch make up
This offer is really too good to miss so why not book in & start Easter looking & feeling great.
Offer ends April 30th 2018 Please quote “Spring Bunny offer” T&C’s apply.
Loyalty Cards
Don’t forget the Joshua Tree Loyalty Card Club Scheme. Collect a stamp when you spend £10 with us on all Aveda retail. When you have 10 stamps you will receive £10.00 off your next Aveda retail purchase.
The loyalty card can only be used at the Joshua Tree Roko Health Club.
Earth Month Water Aid
A single candle can bring drinking water for 6 months for a family of 6 in India: Funds from Light the Way candles helped provide clean drinking water there in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew and continue to support water-related projects in the impoverished communities where vetiver is grown.
Limited-edition aroma features certified organic vetiver sourced in Haiti.
Light the way candle: £16. Available to purchase from the Joshua Tree.
Spa Fix Offer
DON'T MISS OUT- it's back!
Our amazing SPA FIX offer- 3 Aveda Spa treatments for just £55.00! Choose from
• Indian head massage • Stress fix massage
• Beautifying body scrub • Tulasara facial
• Foot massage • Express manicure or pedicure
Limited places available: please call 0115 981 3111 or book on line info@joshuatree-salon.com
T&C’s apply
Still havn't tried us?
Our intro offer for newcomers is a great deal and runs all year long:
3 classes over 14 days for £13.50 with your Roko member discount.
Message notts@hotpodyoga.com if you haven’t claimed your discount code yet.
As a Roko member you can get 10% off Hotpod class passes. Just email notts@hotpodyoga.com with your name and we will do the rest.
Did you spot us on the front cover of In Nottingham magazine as it landed through West Bridgford letter boxes last week?
We are giving away TWO mini monthly memberships to Hotpod Yoga Notts (worth £35 each), a chance to come to your favourite Hotpod class once a week for a month, totally free!
Head on over to http://www.thisisin.co.uk/competition/ to enter.
If you want to learn more about our schedule either download our app Hotpod Yoga or head on over to https://hotpodyoga.com/uk/yoga-classes/west-bridgford and if you prefer to talk to a real person, call Sarah on 07958 466 019.
Hope to see you in the pod soon.
We are now fully open - with appointments early morning, every evening and weekends, so there’s no excuse not to get your tired muscles booked in for a bit of TLC.
Our clinic room is located next to the gym floor BOOK NOW.
Team Adjust is now 15 strong – and includes an ex-pro cyclist, obstacle course specialist, running fanatics and an ex-rugby player.
To celebrate our 3rd month with Roko, get a MASSIVE 20% OFF with us at Roko until 30.04.2018 when booking a 60 minutes appointment. Simply quote "TEAM20" when booking.
Get more Active with Biomechanics Testing
Suffering from persistent pain that is getting in the way of your training or day-to-day life? Then biomechanics testing may just be the answer. Check out our latest biomechanics blog to learn more on how we can help you to move better.
CALLING ALL GOLFERS - we will soon be offering Golf Biomechanics Assessments - watch this space.