29th January 2016 | Nottingham
Welcome back after what I hope was a happy holiday period. No doubt many of you will be feeling well fed and watered by now and I ask why not? A record number of you kept your programs going and visited the club in the last two weeks, but if you slipped out of the habit and didn’t make it, it only takes one visit to break this pattern!
Most of us will have made and broken at least one New Year’s Resolution in our lives. Each year we try to change something about our behaviour and research suggests most of them fail. This same research identifies three things that separate those that stick and those that don’t.
Make Your Goal Attainable: It may be more exciting to choose a target like losing 50 lbs or giving up alcohol for ever. However, it is far more practical to take manageable steps than attempt a complete life overhaul. The advantage of setting achievable goals is that you can always up the ante and set another target.
Know That You Will Stumble. That’s Inevitable, and Okay: Beware the ‘what the hell’ effect. This is where you miss an exercise session or eat something you shouldn’t and so think "this day is ruined I’ll just start again tomorrow, or next week, or next month".
Be Motivated and Committed: Behaviour change is hard. A key task is to plan ahead the steps that are required to achieve what you want, rather than just diving in with wishful thinking. Do you have enough gym kit? Where will you keep it? What will you do if your training buddy can’t make it, do you have another program? When will you visit the club? And so on. Work out the obstacles to you being successful and come up with the solutions in advance.
Good luck and if you get stuck don’t forget to ask for help!
Julie Bowley and Your Roko Team
get your exclusive make it happen wristband & bring a friend for FREE
pick up your card from reception
kick start 2016
•Book a FREE Touch Base programme review with a member of the fitness team to refresh your programme and get you on track.
•Bring a friend to workout with you for FREE before 29th February 2016. (Pick up your card from reception.)*
receive your exclusive wristband
Fully complete your card, visit the club 8 times before 29th February 2016 and receive your limited edition make it happen wristband.
* see card for full details
Go Pro
In January we know everyone’s new year’s resolution includes getting fit and eating more healthily so why not come down to the club lounge and try Go Protein to help you achieve this.
Gopro Whey is a fantastic everyday highest quality bodybuilding protein when working out. It has 20g of pure quality protein per scoop and less than a quarter of a teaspoon of sugar in it. Start by taking a scoop 60-90 min before your workout and take another scoop within 30 min after you finish. You can also take a 20g protein scoop in the morning and last thing at night to keep up your protein intake.
It is formulated to help you build and maintain lean muscle. It increases your performance and speeds up recovery after training. Gopro Whey if combined with weight and high resistance training helps you to build and maintain lean muscle mass.
Taken from: http://www.goprotein.com/GoPro-Whey.html
Don’t forget to pick up your Go Pro loyalty card, buy 5 shakes get 1 free
If you would like to buy a tub of powder to take home with you please speak to the Food and Beverage team and they will be able to place an order for you.
If you want to try something tasty, we also now make protein pancakes, with your choice of flavour added into a delicious pancake for just £3.25!
So, it’s time for "New year, new me"! Well, no, you are always going to be you, BUT don’t worry! With hard work, consistency, dedication and doing a lot of stuff when you really can’t be bothered, you can be a better you!
If this isn’t as motivating as you may have thought with all the New Years’ resolutions being made, we do apologise. The point is a date on a calendar actually has little to do with how you should influence your life. If you change your habits you will meet success, and you can change habits any time of the year. However, since it is January 1st, let’s use it as a starting point…
Were you hungover on 1st January having been (maybe, incredibly) drunk on New Year’s Eve? Well, there’s mistake number one (and we are starting to sound like the fun police…bear with, bear with!)…because how much do you feel like working out with a hangover? The answer is you don’t because no one really likes working out with a hangover so the New Year maybe starts on the fourth or fifth. So let’s make sure that is when you start!
First, set some long term goals. Short term goals although useful can also be dangerous, you run the risk of not achieving what you want within that short time frame and that can be very demotivating especially when you’ve worked really hard. Long term goals have less pressure attached to them and you might even reach your goal early (which is awesome, right?!). With a long term goal we’re talking 6 months to a year…you will notice progress along the way and you’ll have more focus as it’s something to be constantly moving towards. Have a chat with a member of the fitness team about your goals and how we can help you achieve them…
Next, have a broad, general goal for the entire year of what you want to achieve. The older you get, I’m sure you’ve realised, a year is not actually a long time. Say to yourself that this next year you want to be the strongest/fittest/fastest you’ve ever been. All the smaller goals you’ve set, as above, will lead towards this and will hopefully make your training more enjoyable because you’ve got a purpose.
Thirdly, you’ll have to make some sacrifices. If you want the best from yourself it’ll mean early nights followed by even earlier mornings, no bad food (sorry), no booze (again, sorry) and no complaining that you WILL ache…only complain when you actually are sore!
As we’ve touched upon before, talk to the fitness team about your goals, tell them what you’re interested in…they love people who have goals and something to work towards, it gives the training they’re going to set you a purpose and there is nothing more rewarding than seeing people progress.
The next thing to think about is the foundations of all the movements you are completing in the gym or classes. If you’re told to continue doing full range press ups on your knees then do them on your knees UNTIL you can complete full range press ups on your toes. As soon as your form begins to drop on an exercise, scale it back. If all you ever do is half range press ups, it’ll take you a L-O-N-G time to get to full range. If you’re at a certain stage, listen to your instructor, work hard at it and you will reap the rewards.
Finally, let’s start to look after ourselves a little better. Another year is gone, you aren’t as young as you used to be and recovery takes a little bit longer, injuries may also be waiting in the wings…it’s only a matter of time. So, eat healthy, sleep well, have massages, relax, have "you" time and above everything else get to know and listen to your body. If you feel like you need a break from training, guess what? You probably need a break from training! You’ve got a whole year to go yet to achieve those goals! And we’ll leave you with this thought, your new year can start at any time…but we know the 1st of January has a ring to it, good luck!
Our updated Group Exercise timetable commences Monday 4th January with some changes we would like you to be aware of.
Due to low attendance we sadly say Goodbye to ABSolute BTT on a Thursday evening. However, this does make Jackie C available for an Aqua class on a Thursday! First class 7th Jan, 7pm in the pool.
Also on a Thursday, Body Combat moves to the slightly earlier time of 6.30pm.
Friday night also has a small revamp with Body Pump moving to the earlier time of 6.50pm…no more waiting after Body Combat!
We also urge you to book on to classes that you wish to attend. We realise it is easy to get out of the habit during the last part of the year when classes inevitably quieten down but in order to guarantee admittance, do pop your name down at reception. This is especially important when attending classes with equipment such as Body Pump, Crew and CYCLonE.
Mind your Back– Pilates Workshop
Following the success of both our yoga workshops, the next will feature more Pilates with a focus on your back.
Mind Your Back will bring your back to the front of your mind, help you understand it, give it some TLC and make it happier! It is designed for you to;
Mindfully consider your back
Be aware of the structure of your back and spine
Experience a back-aware Pilates session
Improve the mobility, strength and flexibility of your back
Provide you with skills to improve and maintain the health of your back
The workshop is suitable for all levels; however, if you have acute back pain, please seek medical advice before booking your place. If you’d like further information, please contact Sue on 07974 819 461 who can discuss in more detail the contents of the workshop and help you assess whether it will be suitable for you.
Places are limited so early booking is recommended. Members £15, non-members are welcome at a cost of £18. Please contact Reception to book your place.